The Frotet Project was acquired by Kenorland through map staking in March, 2017 and was optioned to Sumitomo Mining Metals Canada Limited (“SMMCL”) in April, 2018. In summer of 2018, Kenorland and SMMCL completed a property-wide B-horizon soil sampling program (till substrate) over 55,921 ha on an approximate 1500m x 150m grid for a total of 2,308 samples. In winter of 2018-2019 a high-resolution helicopter-borne aeromagnetic survey was flown over areas of gold-in-soil anomalism. In spring of 2019, a property-wide LIDAR survey was flown to give context to surficial geology conditions and structural geology. In summer of 2019, infill soil sampling, till sampling, geologic mapping and boulder prospecting were conducted in geochemically anomalous areas. This work defined the Regnault target area, which was selected for a maiden diamond drilling program in winter of 2020. In preparation for diamond drilling Kenorland conducted further geophysical work including a high-resolution drone magnetic survey and an induced polarisation (IP) survey to aide in the delineation of targets.
The maiden drill program at the Regnault target consisted of 5,920m of diamond drill core, which intersected significant gold mineralisation in 8 out of the 15 holes testing various geological and geophysical targets. A follow-up 1,902m diamond drill program in the summer of 2020 also intersected significant gold mineralisation in the Regnault target area, including the discovery of additional gold-bearing structures. Following the initial discovery, an additional detailed helicopter-borne magnetic survey was flown along with a detailed 3D IP survey extending along the Regnault trend to the south of the initial discovery area. Additional infill detailed B-horizon soil sampling was also completed along the Regnault trend. Significant drill results returned during 2020 included:
- 20RDD002: 3.75m at 16.06 g/t Au
- 20RDD007: 29.08m at 8.47 g/t Au incl. 11.13m at 18.43 g/t Au
- 20RDD021A: 2.66m at 33.69 g/t Au
2021 Winter Program
The Company and Sumitomo completed a winter diamond drill program between March and April of 2021 at the Regnault discovery area. The drill program consisted of 8,591m of diamond drilling and 30 completed drill holes. The objectives of this drill program were to follow up on known mineralised structures identified during the 2020 discovery drill programs, as well as continue exploration along strike and to the south of the Regnault Discovery area, testing additional regional targets within the Regnault area. This phase of drilling helped define the mineralised R1 Trend which generally strikes east-west, dipping steeply to the north and had been traced for 550m along strike, open in either direction. The R2 Trend was also identified during this phase of drilling, a structure located over 500m to the south of, and oriented sub-parallel to, the R1 structure. Significant drill results returned from the R1 Trend during this phase of drilling included:
- 21RDD024: 5.72m at 90.56 g/t Au incl. 3.89m at 132.57 g/t Au
- 21RDD037: 25.33m at 6.29 g/t Au incl. 4.59m @ 22.06 g/t Au
At the completion of the winter drill program, Sumitomo had incurred a total of $8.3 million in exploration expenditures towards the earn-in and joint venture exploration agreement, earning an 80% interest in the Frotet Property.
2021 Summer Program
Between July and October of 2021 the Company completed its 2021 Summer exploration program which included 57 diamond drill holes (17,792m) at the Regnault gold discovery. This program was designed to systematically step-out along strike and down dip of the known structures (R1, R2 West, R2 East Trends) which were defined during the 2021 winter drill campaign, as well as explore for additional mineralised structures within the Regnault gold system.
Along the R1 Trend, the vein system was drilled on approximately 50m centers, testing down to approximately 275m depth, as well as extending the east-west strike length to 750m. At R2 West, stepping out on approximately 50m centers, drilling demonstrated the presence of several stacked, high grade, extensional type quartz veins. Drilling on 100m spaced sections along R2 East intersected wide, east-west trending mineralised shear zones which intersect the diorite-volcanic contact. Drilling completed on the R2 Trend identified gold mineralisation along 950m of strike length trending east-northeast and to depths of 350m below surface. Assay results from 32 of the 57 completed drill holes have been received to date, significant results include:
- 21RDD056A: 15.40m at 17.96 g/t Au incl. 7.20m at 36.29 g/t Au
- 21RDD060: 3.00m at 32.21 g/t Au
- 21RDD074: 3.45m at 17.53 g/t Au incl. 0.50m at 114.60 g/t Au
- 21RDD077: 14.20m at 3.91 g/t Au incl. 2.73m at 15.34 g/t Au
- 21RDD088: 1.77m at 117.86 g/t Au
- 21RDD100: 6.88m at 23.79 g/t Au incl. 2.60m at 60.77 g/t Au
In addition to the drill program, follow-up surface exploration, including mapping, prospecting, infill till and soil geochemical sampling, was also completed over multiple regional target areas within the Frotet Project.
2022 Winter Program
A multi-disciplinary program was completed at Frotet between January and March of 2022 including diamond drilling at Regnault and ground IP surveys at the Cressida and Chantillon regional targets. Drilling completed at Regnault was designed primarily to expand the strike extent along the R2 and R4 trends, testing the down dip extents of the R1 mineralised structure, and explore for additional mineralised structures immediately to the south of R1. Along the R1 Trend, drilling successfully extended the mineralised structures for a known strike length of 850m and to depths of 400m below surface. Immediately to the south of the R1 Trend, drilling discovered multiple sub-parallel mineralised structures, including the R5, R6, R7 and R8, which can be traced for a strike length of 400m, and to 450m at depth. Results from these new vein discoveries are comparable to some of the best results from the R1 trend, which has been one of the main focuses of the deposit since the initial discovery in 2020.
- 22RDD130A: 3.85m at 44.95 g/t Au incl. 1.20m at 127.83 g/t Au
- 22RDD133: 6.65m at 19.50 g/t Au incl. 1.06m at 98.34 g/t Au
In addition to the drilling at Regnault, ground IP surveys were completed over the Company’s Cressida and Chantillon regional targets. The Cressida target is located directly along strike and within the main mineralised corridor hosting the former producing Troilus Gold Mine, currently being explored by Troilus Gold Corp.
2022 Summer Program
From April to July 2022 a summer exploration program was completed at the Frotet Project including 23 holes totalling 11,903m at the Regnault discovery and 8 holes totalling 2,511m at the Cressida target. At Regnault, the drilling was focused on the eastern margin of the intrusive complex, targeting step-outs on the R1 shear zone and R4 veins, as well as following up on the R6, R7 and R8 veins discovered during the 2022 Winter program. Drillhole results returned from these structures extend mineralisation in the R6, R7, R8 corridor to 600m of strike length and to depths greater than 600m, including:
- 22RDD136: 20.55m at 2.80 g/t Au incl. 3.50m at 10.72 g/t Au
- 22RDD141A: 20.79m at 2.78 g/t Au incl. 1.50m at 15.28 g/t Au
- 22RDD144: 2.91m at 31.52 g/t Au incl. 0.34m at 253.50 g/t Au
- 22RDD144: 1.85m at 31.75 g/t Au incl. 0.33m at 147.80 g/t Au
Drilling at the Cressida target resulted in widespread disseminated to stringer and banded pyrrhotite-pyrite mineralisation within foliated mafic and intermediate volcanics, with associated quartz veinlets and biotite-calcite alteration. Assay results returned up to 7.93m at 1.11 g/t Au and 1.50 g/t Ag (22CRDD004) and 7.93m at 1.11 g/t Au and 1.50 g/t Ag (22CRDD007)
A preliminary metallurgical study was initiated with drillhole 22RDD149 intersecting 7.93m at 1.11 g/t Au and 1.50 g/t Ag, a twin of the Regnault discovery hole 20RDD007. Objectives included the analysis of mineralogical characteristics and preliminary assessment of Au-Ag recovery through cyanide leaching. Promising recoveries of up to 89.9% for Au and 86.2% for Ag with conventional grinding, cyanide leaching and oxygen purging.
2023 Winter Program
A total of 15 holes totalling 13,360m were completed between February and March of 2023. The program was largely designed to continue to test strike and depth extent of the R5, R6, R7 and R8 structures, focused on an area of limited drilling between these 2022 vein discoveries and the R2 and R3 structures to the west. All drillholes intersected mineralisation across multiple structures, linking the two areas and defining a corridor of up to 1.8 kilometers of strike. Notable intercepts include:
- 23RDD162: 7.10m at 12.24 g/t Au incl. 1.70m at 45.14 g/t Au
- 23RDD166: 24.70m at 3.28 g/t Au incl. 1.77m at 26.09 g/t Au and incl. 0.35m at 34.50 g/t Au
- 23RDD169: 7.00m at 5.31 g/t Au incl. 0.60m at 36.30 g/t Au
Deep exploration drilling was also conducted to explore for further sub-parallel veins at depth and to the south of known mineralised structures. These deep holes, up to 1,614m in depth, successfully discovered new vein structures, the Rx veins, and significantly extend the known footprint of the Regnault gold system to vertical depths greater than one kilometer. Assay results include:
- 23RDD159: 4.75m at 5.97 g/t Au incl. 0.50m at 46.70g/t Au
- 23RDD159: 1.20m at 55.70 g/t Au
- 23RDD172: 41.85m at 2.56 g/t Au incl. 4.45m at 11.96 g/t Au
Additional metallurgical test work was completed on the material investigated in 2022, investigating the effects of gravity separation and flotation prior to treatment by cyanide leaching and recovery of Au and Ag. Results indicate the highest recoveries continue to be from test procedures involving conventional grinding, cyanide leaching and oxygen purging. Optimizing parameters returned recoveries of up to 93.3% Au and 90.5% Ag.
2023 Fall Program
During the 2023 Fall diamond drill program, a total of 20 drill holes, totaling 11,918m of drilling was completed. The majority of drilling targeted broad step-outs and infill along known mineralised trends throughout the Regnault deposit. Main target areas included the R4, R5, R6, R7 and R8 mineralised trends at depth while infilling the R1 structural corridor, and infill targets within the western portions of the R2 and R3 mineralised structures. Many significant results were obtained including:
- 23RDD185: 19.25m at 19.95 g/t Au incl. 1.90m at 106.48 g/t Au at R6
- 23RDD177: 1.00 m at 174.54 g/t Au incl. 0.30m at 579.30 g/t Au at R1
- 23RDD193: 35.45m at 2.90 g/t Au incl. 1.70m at 15.52 g/t Au at R4
- 23RDD175: 17.65m at 4.59 g/t Au incl. 1.08m at 43.96 g/t Au at R5
- 23RDD177: 11.31m at 6.89 g/t Au incl. 2.12m at 26.37 g/t Au at R5
- 23RDD176: 10.70m at 5.67 g/t Au incl. 2.00m at 14.99 g/t Au at R5
- 23RDD182: 1.00m at 54.40 g/t Au at R2
- 23RDD187: 8.95m at 6.34 g/t Au incl. 1.45m at 20.27 g/t Au at R4
Two drill holes were designed to test the shallower portions of the Regnault diorite up dip from the 2023 winter discovery holes that intersected mineralisation down to 1,000m vertical depth including 23RDD172 which returned 2.56 g/t over 41.85m including 11.96 g/t Au over 4.45m. These large step-outs (200-300m) returned narrow, moderate grade mineralisation within the R9, R10, and R11 shear zones including 23RDD174 which returned 3.70m at 2.14 g/t Au including 0.40m at 10.70 g/t Au.
2024 Winter Program
On March 23, 2024, Kenorland concluded the winter 2024 drill program consisting of 18,448 meters of diamond drilling at the Regnault gold deposit. The program focused on infill and step-out drilling, which increased the confidence of the vein system geometries and grade continuity along the R1, R2, R3, R5, R6, R7, and R8 structures. Many significant results were obtained including:
- 24RDD197: 4.70m at 24.16 g/t Au incl. 0.40m at 261.20 g/t Au at R2
- 24RDD215: 9.50m at 9.10 g/t Au incl. 1.20m at 45.92 g/t Au at R6
- 24RDD213: 4.50m at 16.11 g/t Au incl. 0.40m at 163.70 g/t Au at R1
- 24RDD199: 5.83m at 12.36 g/t Au incl. 1.11m at 48.24 g/t Au at R9
- 24RDD202: 12.00m at 5.94 g/t Au incl. 2.50m at 21.99 g/t Au at R1
- 24RDD198: 29.50m at 2.41 g/t Au incl. 7.20m at 6.27 g/t Au at R6
- 24RDD202: 26.60m at 2.54 g/t Au incl. 2.10m at 6.04 g/t Au at R6
- 24RDD217: 9.75m at 6.91 g/t Au incl. 0.95m at 44.99 g/t Au at R6
- 24RDD202: 1.90m at 31.09 g/t Au incl. 0.55m at 103.50 g/t Au at R1
- 24RDD200A: 5.15m at 11.10 g/t Au incl. 0.60m at 73.40 g/t Au at R8
- 24RDD207: 11.10m at 5.08 g/t Au incl. 0.40m at 106.90 g/t Au at R6
- 24RDD198: 2.90m at 17.71 g/t Au incl. 0.30m at 153.70 g/t Au at R1
Since the Regnault gold discovery in 2020, a total of 103,987 meters of drilling has been completed including 226 drillholes.
2025 Winter Program
The Winter 2025 drill program at the Regnault gold system will include up to 23,000m of diamond drilling, focusing on infill and step-out targets to improve confidence in vein geometry and grade continuity. The program will primarily target the R1, R5, R6, and R7 mineralized structures, with deep step-outs along R2, R8, R9, R10, and R11, following up on high-grade intercepts from previous drilling.